I enjoyed roaming the yard while the sun was setting. I felt like a little kid again. I could smell the crabapple tree in our front yard and realized it took me right back to the days I used to climb it. My dad used to climb the tree with me. My cats would even join in if you can believe it; Whisper, Casey, and Hazel all liked to participate in whatever I was doing in the yard.
I used to pick tulips from our front yard, too. Even before we had our flower farm, I still had a love for flowers. On a little hill outside our front door, there is a lilac tree and underneath are mini grape hyacinths, daffodils, and eventually tulips that pop up every year. I remember picking them in the rain when I was little.
I'm pretty sure the money plant in our yard came from my grandmother's. The shimmering coins used to fascinate me. Of course I spent time collecting seeds at her house and bringing them back to my house to plant. If you've never seen dried money plant before, it's pretty neat.
The dianthus and daffodils came from the flower field.
I had no idea there was so much color to be found all over the yard. I was thrilled to see it all in one arrangement!
Happy Spring!